Friday, January 27, 2012

First post!

I decided to close my 5 year old blog for some reason. It's time to move to the next phase of life. hehe. Not that I get over everything but it's better to keep all the stories for myself. A place where I keep my 5 years memories, life that I had treasured.

Because most of the stories revolve around me and my favorite people, I am okay to allow some people to view it. Yelah, mana tau rindu2 Vandy nak tengok gambar pegi jalan2 travel mane2 ke hehe. Boleh la baca2 balik. And even me, kalau org tnye, weh dlu ko pegi blabla ape je tempat best? I'll find back my older posts. Almaklumlah, otak ni xbrape nak kuat ingatan hehe.

Sooooo, welcome to my new blog ekeke. Jangan terkejut tgk background yang seems to be contradict with the age. haha. Dulu punya la bersih suci murni, skema2 gitu, makin tua makin mengada je background haha. Let me explain, dlu2 pon nak buat blog cantik2 cmni, tpi busy sgtt :P .and saya kurengg minat sket blog serabut2 ni. kahkahkah the cleaner the better. But we'll see how long it will stay. Kalau dh sampai tahap serabut nanti we'll be back to the plain black page ok hehe.

Hello kawan kawan!


Syazwani Zakwan said...

i loike :)

Izzati Ellyani said...

hello.! background comel. hihi. ;p

miera said...

meriah pulak themes.. haha.. ^^

Bint Lazim said...

shanteknyew blog dieww HAHA