Friday, June 1, 2012

Bandung Review 2 -Food

Continuee... Food in Bandung

Makanan Sunda.

We stopped by at Warong Kampung on the way back from Tangkuban Perahu. The landscape was superb! memang sangat tenang and makan dalam kekampungan sambil menikmati keindahan alam gitu. makanan pon best! maybe because we're more brilliant than the first day setelah discam oleh Padang restaurant, semua menu kitorang pilih sedap2 hehe.

Different between Sunda and Padang. Padang more to dishes yang berkuah mcm kari2, sup etc. Tapi Sunda mostly dishes die masak kering2.

Iga Bakar.

Iga is ribs ye kawan2. At first I thought Yas wanted to bring us to kedai IKAN bakar until we reached at the restaurant and I saw the sign IGA BAKAR. Yes, not ikan bakar kekekee. The food was cheap compared to ribs2 yang di malaysia. Memang favorite saya la daging bertulang2, and the super delicious BBQ gravy was a bonus! makan nasik sampai tak abes sebab mengadap ribs. hehe


Bakso ni macam semua orang tau je. Last time I went to a famous kedai bakso (i cant recall the name, Bakso Solo kot?), and this time another famous one, Bakso Semar. Yang dulu as far as I remember, we can choose the meatball ala2 mcm makan yong tau fu ada tauhu kering skali. tapi Bakso Semar, we all ate Bakso Urat Special siap dapat a bowl of sup tulang. Only God knows how much I loveeee sup tulang hihi. and certain kedai bakso die mcm bau daging yang err sedikit meloyakan, tapi Bakso Semar ok. tekak terima dengan gembiraa ngeh3

Nanny's Pavillion

Ini kedai dessert. An additional to Indonesian food, Nanny's Pavillion is really recommended. Kedai die comelll, waiter and waitress die pakai comel2. menu die describe food comel2, and dessert die. Ohhhh *drooling level 5*.

I need one whole post just for food. haha Now I doubt my thought, which one should be "save the best for last". I thought it was shopping but looking at thiss...uhmm...............

But I swear, Shopping is still the best out of all in Bandung. Should be No Doubt about this. hehe. will come back for the last Bandung post.

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