Saturday, February 25, 2012

Embarrassing Moment

Kisah 1

Saya tiap2 hri singgah Mynews nak beli coffee. Every single dayyy ok. So one day ni masuk mynews amek coffee pastu alamak. tin tak sejuk. maybe die baru masukkan dlm fridge kan. so saya pon memangjangkan tangan nak rase tin kat blakang2 tu sejuk ke x. smpi row ke 3 kot bru rase tin sejuk. so nak keluarkan tangan balik kan. sbb nak alih la tin tu satu2 nak amek yg sejuk. tak sedar tangan tu xbrape nak kecik kan, skalii bangg bangg (xtau nak buat sound effect) 3 4 tin jatuhhh tergolek golek ahahaha. ok imagine laa bunyik tin air jatuhh atas lantai, tinggi, banyak pulak tu. malu nyaaa dh la kedai tu sempit, tertonggeng2 kutip tin bwh2 meja cashier semua HAHA. nasib baik die tak sruh bayarr je.

Kisah 2

Last week pegi MMC. Kne anta report. I called the client a few times tpi xjawab2. dh risau2 dh sebab dah sampai dekat2 MMC tu. Pastu sambil jalan tu call2 sambil sms client fokus gilaa tak pandang sekeliling. tak sedar pon sye tengah cross tempat parking yg ade palang2 tu. Tibe2 saya dengar org jerit "Palanggggg" Kuat gila ok. sampai saya terkejut trus pndang blakang, rupenyeee. time saya pusingg blkg tu, "pangggg!!" palang yg kat tmpt kete nak kuar parking tu dh selamat langgar kepala saya. die langgar saya eh bkn sy langgar die haha

Sakit tu tolak tepi ah, nasib palang besi tu dh wrap dengan sponge2 so takde la sakit sgt. tpi malunyaaa Ya Allah. malu gilaa ok. ramai gila org dekat situ, diorg maybe tak dgr palang tu kne kepala, tpi sebab org blakang tu jerit kuat gilaa. yelah kan die nak warning, baik gila kot org tu. tapi saya ni sakaiii. haha reaction lambat. siap blur2 lgi. hahhh ade restoran pulak kat tepi tu and mcm semua oranggg pandangg. siap dengar ade pakcik2 tu ckp "Alhamdulillah takde pape". HAHHAHA sye tahan malu tak pandang kanan kiri jalan laju gilaaaaa. huahuahua

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

scam alert

"There are no shortcuts to success but hard work, patience and persistence"

Tadi balik kerja tbe2 Mama tanya pasal parcel2 and international courier and etc. Pastu mama cerita, ade la kawan die ni tnye2 because her nephew got this one parcel from his friend in UK, which they claimed still stuck dekat Malaysian custom. so kene bayar about RM8000 to release. and guess what?? the parcel contains Laptop, handphone and 100,000 pounds which is A LOT OK?

mule2 dengar je sye dh doubt pasal "friend" tu. and ade ke org yang tak tau how risky it is nak hantar electronic stuff and pegi declare pulak tu? org yg xblaja oversea pon tau kot. and another thing 100,000 pounds? the 2nd ques i asked my mom "mama die jual dadahhh ke kat sana?" haha seriously, kalau student mcm mana die bleh dpt duit byk tu kan. and she is engineering student "kononnya". and pmpn tu kata she will return to malaysia soon.

based on my experiences pos2 barang from US pon, kalau kne hold dekat kastam pon, they can't tell you how much u have to pay, until you go there and open the box in front them. Lepas tu bru die calculate taxes etc. Unless u declare 500usd above confirm akan kne tax straight away. and bila nak pos tu pon, kalau electronic stuff memang tak boleh kalau xsilap la. and 100,000 pounds to declare? kalau saya jdi posmen pon sye tau dlm tu ade 100,000 pounds sye curik dlu. kahkahkah.

and his nephew pon crite dekat my mom's friend ni sebab die nak pnjm duit nak claim bnda2 tu. so terpakse la cerita. and diorg from somewhere dekat utara so this guy memang very determine nak claim jugak parcel tu by this week. and siap nak book flight okk? tpi ktrg dh sruh hold dlu. and ktrg cakap kalau betul2 die nak bg duit ke, sruh bank in je, tak payah nak sakai sgt courier2 duit. haihh

lepas tu saya dgn along pon google2 sebab we have a strong feeling yg semua ni scam. we're so surprised when we found this one website where people share their experiences got scammed by this so-called brilliant scammers. ktorang macam FBI dh berjam2 melayan website ni haha. and sedihnya. ramai gilaaa org Malaysia dh kene tipu. most of them kenal thru internet, and memang surely all these scammers memang ade "org dalam" sebab byk account2 bank yg terlibat is local bank n nama2 melayu ok. byk case yg almost similar with this guy. and the latest post pon feb 13th 2012 so we believe bnda ni memang taktik zaman skrg. from what i read, mostly nigerian akan komplot dengan indon dekat Malaysia suruh ngorat2 smpi mangse terpedaya. diorg siap ade website courier fake lgi.

Ok tapi cerita ni is not 100% related to that guy punye situation sebab ktrg pon xtau sgt either pmpn tu die mmg kenal ke or sama mcm mangse2 lain. Maybe yang tu betul ke kite xtau kan, but i talked to my mom's friend about this and even provide her with this link. Kalau betul alhamdulillah. just to make sure la kan die tak menjadi mangse.

ni i quote from that website.

"....i don't know if i have told you what is inside the parcel of the gift before.Inside, I put the sum of 100,000.00 Pounds in a brown paper bag for the house that i want to buy because i cant be caring money along with my self when i am coming.., Also inside of the parcel, you will find a model HP laptop, a Wristwatch, Model Nokia hand phone communicator ,flowers, My recent pictures, T-shirt and Liverpool jersey and other Jerseys heheh."

Be safe people. zaman skrg ni org menipu macam2 cara. Ingat tiada jalan mudah untuk jadi senang. so jangan mudah terpedaya ok.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Raise Me Up

"You raise me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be"

Sometimes u just need a good song to motivate yourself. Just like you need a cup of coffee to boost your energy. So, Let me share mine.

Monday, February 20, 2012


"I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remembering my good friends"
-William Shakespeare

Kali ni bukan Road trip. memang pergi seorang diri beli tiket bas dan YEYY! Sampai ke tanah tumpah darah finally. Ye, saya lahir di Butterworth ok. tak caya tgk IC. Cakap Utara pon hebat malas je nak tunjuk. NGEH3

So I spent my 3 days holiday at my roomate's house! Memang bukan plan nak melancong sgt, more to sleepover and visit kawan2 utara. hehe. Sangat berpuas hati dapat pillow talk 2 malam sampai ade org kantoi mengigau sebut2 nama ehem ehem.ok lari. BYE! HAHA.

char keoy teow permatang pauh. sedap tak tipu. xckup makan satu

picnic @ Sg Sedim, Kulim, Kedah
Thanks Onnieee and familyyy for the first class hospitality :)

Thanks Kawan2 Utara. I had fun picnic and jalan2 carik makan with you guys! :) Jumpe lagi bila bila bila bila bila. aaaaa bila? :(

p/s : everytime meet up mesti takde karok ke bowling ke movie ke, because we rather spend our quality time borak2 lepak2 and makan2 than anything else! hehe. that's why i called them favorite people. sebab buat ape2 dengan mereka pon semua favorite hehe

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentine's Day

"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE "

-Linda Gayson

I don't celebrate but I do have sweet and bad memories on VD. tak payah nak sensitive sgt nampak VD je nak pandang slack. Ops!

Let me start with the bad memory first. It happened a few years ago, during my first year of reeving. Time tu kerja dekat Lewis, my residence hall during sophomore year. I was working on 12am-4am shift on VD (14/2) night. Well, we all know how American celebrate VD kan. Memang meriah gila la for them. So dekat2 pukul 1 kot, tbe2 ade this one group of American guy masuk reeve room tu. There were 4 of them kot, and they were half-conscious jugak. Macam mabuk2 tapi sedar. haha Ok selalu je dah jumpe orang mcm tu, tpi bila tbe2 ramai2 dtg serbu mcm GULP. ape diorg nak ni? and guess what. They asked for condom! I know they're not gonna do anything to me pon. but maybe because, condom has something to do with Valentine's Day, so saya pon pikir macam2. HAHA. sekrg bleh la gelak time tu kecuuttt..

And diorg siap selongkar bilik reeve tu, check all the drawers, and even asked me to stand back to find it on my table. sapa tak cuak kan. and when they asked mule2 tu, saya cakap, "sorry i dont have it. try ask them" sambil tunjuk kat luar ade a group of students tgh study. and one of them reply apaaaa tau x, " You know what day is today, and you should at least have one" time tu memang lgi ah dah nervous2 rase nak lari keluar.sebab diorg ramai and mabuk, plus selongkar2 semua mcm org nak merompak, and mintak condom? memang combo la.

and diorg lepak2 kejap dlm blk reeve tu about 5 mins pastu blah, diorg blah jeee, saya pon x menahan, trus call roomate! kahkahkah. tak sempat cerita ape lagi, nangis dlu :P :P :P and I have about 2 hours of my shift left. memg takde mood dh la nak keje. haha nasib baik roomate baik hati, nak pujuk turun bawak oreo HAHAHA. and since then, saya xpenah amek shift on Valentine's day anymore

ok the sweet memoryy on VD pulak! Ni time freshman, we stayed at Highland Quad, ala2 hostel la sebab semua kne share bathroom satu floor tu. So time VD coklat mmg bersepah merata, BEST! semua org bg coklat even the RA and jiran2 tak kenal pon ade kasi coklat. Yang bestnya, almost every room will have a bowl of chocolate in front of their rooms for that whole week. Kalau siang2 tu, kami segan la nak pegi kutip2 sgt kan, even tau diorg tak kesah pon. tpi kite kan org Melayu pemaluuuuu :P :P mahu tpi malu ah konon2.

so me and my roomate, bila solat subuh je EXCITED! haha. u know why? sebab time subuh senyap sunyi sepi semua orang pon tdo. so otw nak pegi amek wudhuk, kami pon kutip la coklat tiap2 bilik. banyakk masaaa kot siap boleh pilih2! haha. and boleh ulang alik lgi buat trip. ini bukan mencurik ok, sebab diorg memang bagi jee :P tapi takde la abeskan semua, satu bilik sikit2, semua bilik jdi la bukit. haha

ade this one morning ni, buat operasi mcm biase, time subuh kutip coklat, sebab diorg dh topup kan :P. ade this one room pulak bowl die mcm kecik, so nak amek struggle sikit la. maka roomate saye pon struggle la korek2 pilih2, saya pulak mcm kawal lalulintas la, spy jugak, tgk kiri kanan. Tbeeee2, bunyik mcm pintu nak bukakkk, tuan punya bilik nak keluar kottttttt. saya pon spy xberguna pegi lari dulu xsmpt roger roomate. don't blame me, itu reflect dri perasaan terkejut HAHA. sye selamat menyorok, manakala roomate selamat kantoi, sebab tangan die terstuck dlm bowl kecik tu HAHAHAHA.

itu la alkisahnya my Valentine's Day memories! :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Plant Vs Zombie

Plant Vs Zombie. serious game ni berhantu. kalau ade sape2 xtau game ni, haaaa

source: google

I used to play this game on iphone after someone suggested it to me, sampai at one point, because it was too addicting, i deleted the app from my iphone. kahkah sampai mcm tu kan. sebab main ni jantung mcm dup dap dup dap lagi2 kalau si zombie bawak anak ni datang. boleh sampai hangin emo2 kot :))

but now I started playing it back on laptop pulak. haha. depends on mood, kesesuaian dan tempoh masa, I will spend my freetime either playing Plant vs Zombies or watching Running Man hehe. kalau gelak kuat2 tu layan running man la, kalau muke kerut2 stress, dan fokus, memang main PvZ.

Time mula2 tergila main ni, my younger sister sampai mimpi2. Time cuti skolah kan siang malam pagi petang die mengadap Zombie, ade one night, tbe2 Awin ketuk2 bilik mama siap bungkus badan dalam slimut, memang gigil2 takut la.. rupenye, die mimpi Zombie kejar die HAHAHA

and ade my cousin, Ariff pon sama.he's 5 years old. lepak rumah saya time weekend main zombie, skali balik rumah malam tu mimpi hantu kejar die jugak. haha hantu pencil la hantu apaaa la.

ok tapi saya xpenah mimpi lagi. mungkin malam ni. who knows? HAHA *tipu tipu je*

alang2 dh cite pasal Ariff, nak cite habit pelik die yang saya sndri pon first time jumpe. haha I have a few friends yg habit diorg suke cabut rambut, so normal la. tapi Ariff ni habit die suke cabut kening. ahahaha. Dah a few times jugak kening die botakkkkkk ok?

sile tengok kening ok?

ade satu hari ni, Ariff tengah main2 kening, tunggu feel je nak cabut, tibe2

Mama Ariff : Haaaa Ariff, buat ape tu? pegang2 kening

Ariff : *Terkejut* Mamaa ni, kenapa terkejutkan Ariff, tengok sebab mama terkejutkan Ariff, Ariff dh tercabut satu kening ni

Mama Ariff : Yelah tu Ariff, alasan..


Friday, February 10, 2012


I found this dekat Facebook tdi. lawak gila kan. and it reminds me about this :

A: ade keje ni. ttyl
B: ttyl tu apa?
A: talk 2 u later my dear...
B: alaaaa nak tau sekarang jugak.
A: YES! TTYL=Talk To You Later.
B: HAHAHAHAHA ok. sile pergi sekarang

Sakaiiiinyaaa. But it was happened a few years ago. sekarang dh hebatt sgt dh abbreviation. tanya jeee QRA, EERA, ESSA. semua dah hafal KAHKAHKAH.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Big Mission!

Gonna be super-AWESOME!

Hello tempat lahir! Eh HI Roomate!!!

p/s: Kenape ntah blogspot ni tbe2 rotatekan gambar. malas pikir. sile tunggang terbalikkan laptop anda.HAHA