Monday, September 17, 2012


I think i'm a bit weird in some way. I have troubles with the most simple thing. Matters that no one thinks they would have problem with happened to be "my biggest problem" ever. I feel like sharing one of those, just to find out who would be on the same wavelength.

I started typing on laptop/computer's keyboard since I was a kid. Be it playing games or randomly type anything. Just to give some ideas that typing is not a new thing for me. If I'm not mistaken it was my freshman year when I started to live with people who have laptop with them all the time, one of those day, I suddenly realized that I don't type like anybody else. Oh well, too sad to be truth, I use only one finger to type, so with 2 hands, I only use two fingers! sounds so cacat. but it's indeed true. But trust me, it's not that I never try to type like normal people, I still remember I spent my spring break during freshman/sophomore year practicing using all fingers to type. Or I could say using the right technique, but I ended up fail. and wasting my one week break just like that. Feeling sad... and never try it again.

Guess whattt? I found this photo on facebook a  few months ago. It really madee my dayyy! :D


People would never know I have this so-called big problem because I type as fast as normal people, or evennnn fasterr than them. Unless they're right beside me, then they will know because the kelentang kelentung sound that I produced from typing. kahkah. Tak percaya? Tanya kawan kawan saya hihi. sampai diorang tanya, "wehhh ko menaip keee mengetuk laptop??" *Of course they're exaggerating.durhh. like i really make that sound?*

p/s: This is not the only "weird" problems I have, later I will share my big troubles with spelling. NO NO, it's not the common spelling mistake like other people do, mine is nothing like them.


Deremind said...

nice fadhe... but u really should use >1 fingers. if you need to type a lot, it'll be an ergonomic case, lame2 sakit tangan. hoho..

otherwise, please use the external keyboard instead of laptop keyboard whenever possible :D

Anonymous said...

Haha..its ok.u weren't born to be a typewriter though.hehe