Monday, November 3, 2014

Korea Trip Review

I just came back from Korea yeayy! But now that I'm back to the office, urghhh post-vacation syndrome like always. The flight ticket was bought almost one year before the travelling date. Such a long wait, huh? Nak tiket murah punya pasal gigih la sikit tunggu hehe. Good thing is, I have my own sweet time to study/research/plan for my itinerary. And I've started planning a few months before the trip. This time I think I did quite well kahkahkah credit diri sendiri pon boleh la, becauseee I don't speak korean, I don't read korean and I am afraid there will be so many ayam itik conversation later, so I am a bit over prepared for the trip. I promise to myself I'll keep the stories here so I can refer them later, but of course not now. I need my own sweet time for this as well.

Show off gambar satu :P 

Till then!

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