Saturday, March 24, 2012

the unexpected meeting.

" We do not remember days; we remember moments"
-Cesare Pavese

I met one of my closest senior in Vandy last week. She was in SENIOR year when I was FRESHMAN. Last time we see each other was about 3 years ago when I send her off at Nashville airport. Yes, it was a long time ago. A few batches have graduated after that including me, so it's a bit different now. She's married and blessed with a child. and me? KAHKAHKAH

Kebetulan she got work to do at Dayabumi so saya ajak kawan2 gather at KLCC after work to meet her little princess hehehe. All the lawak kosong a few years ago has now became reality. Dlu2 slalu ckp, nnti anak Kak Rehe panggil ktrg kakak tau, bukan auntie. even at that time, we never know when she'll get married and has baby and all. biase la kan cakap2 mcm tu but now it's all REAL hahaha. mase tu Freshman kottt time budak2 hingusannn lgi, sekrang hingus pon time flu je. kekeke. One thing for sure, perangai tu samaa je sakai2 gitu. mungkin sedikit matang skrg. hehehe. how time flies! miss.

and when she introduced us to her daughter, ni Auntie A ni Auntie B and blabla. and we're all like, HELLO? kakak please? ngeh2. auntie really doesn't sound right :P penat Amni kene cubit and buli2 sampai tertdo2 kkekekeke

Introducing my super cute Vandy junior, Amni Tihani!

p/s: Nanti bila jumpe batch sendiri pulak cmni, pengsan.


Anonymous said...

sama nama.hehe =)..'matang'?haha..saye rase kl saye post gmbar kamu dulu mesti xde beza ngan skarang..haha

fadheR said...

hahaha oi kasi la chance matang sikit la kottt :P