Thursday, March 8, 2012


"If you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of if, don't stop, You're on to something big. Because hard work isn't hard when you concentrate on your passions"
-Marc, 12 stressful things to stop tolerating.

I'm quite busy these past few weeks. Yelah dah 2 bulan bersenang lenang kan. It's time to get busy and be more productive. except for weekend. ngeh3. The not-so-new-job is good. Alhamdulillah. The company treats me well. The colleagues are friendly and so far we get along very well. Time lunch kami gelak macam gila. Time kerja, muka sorang2 macam tampal "please do not disturb" punye sticky notes dekat dahi. hehehe.

Big boss saya Malay, boss kecik pulak Chinese and Indian. Sooo 1 Malaysiaa ok :P I currently working on a few projects under the Chinese boss. At his age, I think he's overachiever sebab dia hebat sgttt. He rarely come to the office, only a few days every month tu pon slalunya nak anta claim yang berlambak2. And even if he does, he will come as early as 6 am and go back by 3.30pm. Very good time management kan so he never get stuck in the heavy traffic. saya tau die banyak buat duit utk company.sbb saya slalu jumpe die dekat office client je.kekeke

And yesterday we had workshop at one of the client's office. I wrote down a few information from client that we required to prepare the report. So, pagi tadi boss pon datang at my place nak tgk semua data2 tu. And I was likeee. errr wait, i need to tidy up a bit. kahkah padahal mmg scribble gilaaa kot buku tu. Then, when I was trying to write it back nicely, I got confused with my own hand-writing. serious tak xtau mana datang no2 pelik. pikir2 siap tnye kwn2. Yes, saya tanya kawan2 ape yang saya tulis. of course la diorg lgi xpaham because they're not even there pon yesterday.kahkah memang sakai. Nak taknak memang kne tnye boss la because he is the only one who was there yesterday.
"Doc, I wrote down these few numbers yesterday, tapi I tak tau itu number ape. I try to recall, still not helping. But I know it's important. "

Maka boss pon amek buku saya, die tengok a few seconds, pastu die gelak. "You tulis itu speed la. 25, 15 and 11 knot. hahaha"

I was amazeddd sambil segan2. he understands my notes more than I do. kahkah.

p/s: HI roomate. GL roomate :P


Izzati Ellyani said...

i love the quotes.. thankyou.. :)

miera said...

best xkerja? curious ^^