Friday, June 8, 2012


I was at Balikpapan last 3 days. Stayed at the same hotel like the last time, Novotel. This time, so lucky, the view was nice! mengadap swimming pool and laut. hehe.
Kalau nama orang kampung, memang kampung. Duduk bilik katil besar sorang2 complete with aircond, internet, breakfast,tv, own working space and view cantik pon tak brape nak seronok. Kalau dengan kawan2 and family tu bilik kecik sempit2 tido tak ckup ruang pon happy over over. Now can you see what life means to me? ;)

Bila malam, terpakse la roomate teman skype sampai tertdo hihi mengada tak? and so this time, all was perfect except for the bathroom! the blind in the bathroom yang nak tutup cermin tu rosak. it was stucked at the top. maka saya pon segan nak mandi T_T.

Yes, I was staying alone and I know no one can get into the room even if they had the keys because I locked it from inside. But the fact that I can watch tv while mandi and the bed is just next to the bath tub make me felt more awkwarddd and insecurely sexy? HAHAHA. Too transparent OH! And me being me, darah melayu penyegan tersipu2 mengalir dalam badan, still rase segan HAHAHAHAHA. Nama je duduk US 4taun tak american lansunggg.

It was not the point here. Back to story. sambil berskype2 cerita la dekat kawan tu pasal that sexy bathroom. (alamak dah kantoi kawan skype tu sapa. please everyone, assume that you didnt know) So I sent her a few pictures to make it more imaginable.

pastu kawan pon cakap. "Ala masalahnya bukannya ade sape2. haha. Ohh ade. Ade camera ade SISI TV eh?" with confident and never turn back punya ayat la. KAHKAHKAH

seriously CCTV=SISI TV? Gelak tak ingt dunia! HHAHAHAHAA

Thanks roomate! You're the best ;) (assuming you didnt know who is my roomate)

p/s : end up, saya berjaya ikat blind tu dekat palang2 tepi bathtub. Jangan risau. saya mandi dengan securenye hihi


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hahaha..bongOK sungguh lawak sisitv tuh.hahaha~