Thursday, June 21, 2012

Best moment

"Time is like a balloon, you better enjoy it while it lasts"

I had always wondered how does it feel to walk out from the arrival hall when no one is waiting for you. Because all this while, there will always be the familiar faces waiting for me at the arrival gate. Airport dan saya memang tak sah kalau takde drama involved :P Especially time blaja kat US dulu. Everytime my family sent me off , klau tudung tak basah menangis memang tak sah ngeh3. Tapi bila diorg pickup pon sedih jugak. EH?

I am not saying I travel a lot. Others might hardly be home.But at least there are times that my parent need to send me at KL Sentral as early as 4am in the morning. And at least I know it takes 28minutes ride from Kl Sentral to KLIA by ERL with RM35 single ride ticket. yes, without googling :p

Since I travel 'almost' alone everytime, the excitement of flying is slowly fading away. Of course la kan dlu travel nak bersuka ria, sekrg nak bersengsara. kahkahkah. But anywayy, kalau dlu parents tak hantar or amek kat  KLIA maybe setahun merajuk kot :P sekarang I just dont care anymore. in fact I dont ask them to. mengada sangat travel 2 3 hari nak suruh orang anta orang amek.

But as time passed by, that airport moment is just not there anymore. and back to my question, now I know how does it feel to walk out from the airport without seeing the familiar faces. The sigh of relief that I had previously when I saw my family waiting for me has now changed. Now everytime landed, the only thing I has up in mind is to quickly get to the lower level and catch the earliest ERL! Get ticket, choose the best seat, train moves. pheww. That is exactly the moment I breathe a sigh of relief. Because I know I am one step closer to home, and thousands steps away from work and boss? KAHKAHKAH.

That is why it is important to appreciate every single moment in life. Kadang-kadang benda kecik yang kita tak sedar tu, lama-lama kite tak kan dapat rase dh. Boleh je nak suruh parent anta amek kat KLIA ke ape, but the situation is now different. Bukan la pasal airport je, but that 'usual' practice sometimes is not applicable or not practical anymore. When I look back, I'm glad that I had once enjoyed that sweet airport moments in life.

And now I appreciate and enjoy the opportunity of travelling alone, because in the future, I might not getting this chances anymore. hehehe.

p/s : Can't wait to see my favorite people this weekend! :D :D I seriously need to recharge. Mentally exhausted and hopeless. Kene appreciate mase dengan kawan2 mana tau esok lusa diorg dah takde mase utk kite kan kan?

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