Thursday, November 1, 2012


KL is raining almost everyday. I'm really bad at Geography, but as far as I know the Northeast monsoon brings heavy rainfall only to the east side. And KL is err more to Eastern side I supposed? Tapi bukankah hujan itu rahmat Allah? Alhamdulillah.

Believe it or not, I finally hit the track back, after God knows for how long, since graduated kott? Fuh. Running shoes pon dah expired. I tried to be consistent, but who are we to change the weather? On the third week, I planned to go to the park on Saturday, woke up early in the morning, just like the normal working days, basuh muka gosok gigi, (I don't usually take bath before jogging hihi), getting ready... and..It was suddenly raining.heavily. it seemed that the rain was not gonna stop for a while. lebat sangat.I was so frustrated. As if the rain is the reason I couldn't be consistent, the rain spoiled my perfect plan, the rain ruined my mood and blablabla. Bad mood. Waiting for the rain to stop, getting all stress out when the rain was getting heavier, countdown,countdown and countdown.. in the end what I got was just a wasted Saturday morning. *sigh*

On the next morning, it was also raining. But this time, i was not gonna wait like an idiot anymore. I don't have the power to stop the rain, but I have 100% control of myself. I can change the way I think, I have full control over my emotion, I have the chance to upgrade my plan to a better one. On a simpler note, there are a thousand things I could do other than stopping the rain.

So I sat at the balcony, I can still see KLCC from far, but not as clear as usual.. I read a book while having a cup of warm tea. Felt so good. and relax. about half an hour passed, hujan tak stop lagi, tibe2, rase nak mandi hujan. Yes, sangat tibe-tibe yang mengejutkan. Every drop of the rain that fall urged me to come closer. So tempting. Not like usual, without any thinking, not even changing my cloth, I just walked out to the end side of balcony, extending my neck as giraffe as I can, looking at the rain that fall, trying to catch as much drops as I could and..... I got really wet in no time. Ahhh...It was sooo refreshing. felt like ages since I last dancing in the rain. Time kecik2 dulu suka la, sekarang ujan sikit menggelupur carik payung, puteri air sangat haih. End up, my younger sister and two cousins joined me as well. We were singing, shouting, like nobody's business. I hope we didn't bother the neighbour since the rainfall melody sounded more comforting than anything else.

The next few days, in the evening, my car broke down when it was nearly maghrib. Me and mama had no option. we had to walk home about 20mins. maghrib and hujan, so obviously taxi was impossible.  Instead of being stressed, we were happy to walk. Luckily, we had an umbrella in the car. But after a few mins of walking, Mama said "tak payah la payung angah, tutup je. alang2 dah basah jom kite mandi ujan. mama pon dah lama tak main hujan." I closed the payung. and we walked home with joy. you know that feeling? You have no idea how much I enjoyed that moment ;) hehe.

Now, rain can never bring me down again. God gives me rain, I could throw the umbrella and dance happily. you should try this :P

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain" literally...
This is not rain.  but I just miss those moments :( 

 Sometimes we tend to focus more on the uncontrollable, without realizing we take for granted things we have full power on.

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