Monday, November 12, 2012

Terry Fox Run 2012

"No effort is too small to be recognized. One small step is a beginning of all hopes" 
- Poh Lin Lim (Terry Fox Run Malaysia, 2012)

We made it to the Run!!! Yeayyy! I've always wanted to join this type of events. Finally got the chance. We signed up to be a volunteer for Standard Chartered Marathon a few months back, but guess what? Turned out the number of applicants are 10 times more that what they needed. With no experience and all, of course we got rejected.

But this time, we were part of the runnerssss! hehehe. For people like me, It was good to start with charity run like this. No pressure, no competition, you're free to walk or jog or run at your own pace at your own speed. And at least selambat2 mana pon takde la jadi the last person to the finishing line kan kekeke.

I know nothing about Terry Fox until my best friend invited me to join this event. I was so glad. Many thanks to her ;) Then I started google about him, and the more I read the more excited I became to be part of the Terry Fox Runners. I am more interested in sharing about the running day itself than the history of Terry Fox. Please google to know more about this Marathon of Hope.

It was a great experience for me. The runners inspired me a lot. Some of them were cancer survivors and cancer fighters, some of them running for their father, mother, relatives and some of them just got inspired by Terry Fox. I am so touched to see a lot of families participated, they tagged along their kids and ran together,  they carried their child piggyback all the way, some of them even brought infant and walked with stroller with them.
 If other people can do it happily, why not me? I don't even have a child. and as far as I know, I have no physical limitation or any health problem. Bawak badan sendiri dengan lemak2 degil jeeee hihihi. Sambil berjalan sambil berlari sambil bersyukur banyak kali, Alhamdulillah for a good health, Alhamdulillah for the opportunity and the leisure time I had, to contribute the least I can. I was so happy to be part of Terry Fox Run. It felt so good to be surrounded with the fighters and the inspired people like them. A good start and I would definitely join again next year.

Ya Allah, Kau kurniakanlah aku kesihatan yang baik dan kelapangan masa for more charity events like this. Amin.

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