Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Passion - VS

"We make a living by what we get, But we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill

I've always wanted to do something that is off from the routine. Something which has nothing to do with work, money, regular hang-outs, gadgets and shopping. Something which makes me happy and fulfilled in a different way.  Before deciding what to do, I figured out my passion. I know I can never do sewing, cooking, baking, kalau ada pon just for the sake of trying one recipe or one thing. Then the spirit is gone. I wanted to teach, I wanted to be a tuition teacher but I'm very sure my current job doesn't allow me to give such commitment. I might end up teaching different day every week sebab asik balik kerja lambat and cancel class if outstation. I wanted to go hiking every weekend. But my mom doesn't allow me sometimes depending on the location, group of friends, weather condition blablabla and the list goes on. I wanted to do online business seeing the instagram shopping bak cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan. But I know it's gonna be hangat2 tahi ayam because I enjoy shopping more than selling hihi

But Alhamdulillah I finally found an awesome thing to do.  I've been googling "volunteering work in KL", "rumah anak yatim KL", "rumah orang tua2 KL" and so on since forever. Tapi mcm every results lead me nowhere, ade je halangan or masalah which made me close all the tabs everytime. But Allah made it easy for me finally. I found an activity which I can commit with Insyallah at a place near to my house. Volunteering work at Rumah Anak Yatim it is. I am so glad to be part of the team. I am happy to share my experiences coz I know it's gonna be real funn. I love kids I love volunteering and who knows this could be my real passion :P a long lost passion hehe

p/s: VS=Volunteer Session (saja buat nama mysterious macam victoria secret, so who is victoria? :P ) My next next post with VS title will all be related with this topic.

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