Thursday, December 27, 2012


I've been wearing braces for a year now. and I have at least another one year to go. Huarghhh! Dari dulu memang nak pakai braces tapi masuk asrama la pegi UTP la pegi US la delay delay and delay Alhamdulillah after back for good baru got the chance.

If people ask me..Sakit tak pakai braces? i would firmly answer, SAKIT! kahkahkah. Sakit yang mula2 rasa, time pakai molar band. To create spaces between teeth. Tapi just a first few days la, then bila dah stagnant tak sakit sangat or maybe i dah imune.idk.

4 teeth extraction was nothing seriously! haha kalau sape nak pakai braces tapi takut cabut gigi, you are totally wrong. Cabut gigi tak rasa ape2, the dentist will numb your tooth with injection of anesthetize. Cuma rase kebas and tiba2 dah ilang je gigi haha. Lepas cabut gigi, I still can talk endlessly tapi mungkin bahasa kurang difahami sebab ade kapas. And mama sampai suruh diam because the more i talk the more blood coming out but I just didn't feel any pain.

During the bracket installation pon tak rase sakit, cuma penat nganga mulut lama je. But mine was better because the dentist put the upper bracket first, a month later baru install the bottom one. So from the first check up to the bracket installation ada la about 2months. And the rest of the months, until now. Only orang bergigi besi knows how does it feel kekekeke.

Basically, after dah pakai braces you'll have monthly appointment with dentist. Depends on what procedure you're on, sometimes 2 bulan skali. Everytime checkup the dentist will tighten the bracket. and it'll become so tense. Boleh rasa la gigi tu bergerak, macam kadang rase nak marah, bile gigi berlaga sikit je pon emo gila, smpi rase nak cabut mulut letak tepi, and blablabla. So a few days after checkup, bersedia la untuk emotional war. kahkah. Makan pon memang main telan je la. Tapi tapi tapi if people ask, pakai braces boleh kurus ke? haaaaa the answer is BOLEH, but not for me! kahkahkah. Sebab sakit2 gigi pon I still eat anything yg I can eat, a few days je sakit, from then tunggu je la a few weeks until next appointment, makan dengan normalnya.

Tapiiii, after a year which is now, the dentist started to put the unitek elastic on the bracket. Macam getah bungkus makanan tu tapi 1/3 of the diameter, so kecik and ikat dekat gigi. OMG this one memang sakit tak tipuuuuu. The pain was not only for a few days like usual, tapi getah tu kene tukar everyday!! so memang takkan stagnant la sebab getah tak sempat kembang, dh kene tukar :( Bile bangun tidur je macam huarghh sakitnya.

- Dulu boleh makan apple sebijik sesuka hati, skrg either cut it small or mintak mama gigitkan kahkah. Outside my house, memang tak makan apple la :P
- Sayur pon dh kurang makan unless at home,sebab sayur2 senang stuck everywhere sooooo you know how bad  you look like when you have greeny2 thing stuck at your bracket? you just don't wanna get into trouble. Makan dekat rumah selamat!
- Bracket saya pernah tercabut and terus missing in action sebab makan kopok lekor kahkahkah. Most probably dah selamat masuk perut, and you have no idea how embarrassing I was when I told my dentist about it.
- Getah pernah putus dalam mulut sebab makan sotong. Yup putus dalam mulut yang mengejutkan sebab kena pipi dan sakit. tapi lebih over terkejut dan ketawa dari terasa sakitnya.
- Everyone knows how much I love sleeping, like I can sleep everywhere anytime, even for only 2 minutes, but this braces thing haihhhhh. sakit sampai tak boleh tido. Fadhe tak boleh tidur? so weird so weird. but yeaaa it's killing me nowww. Rase macam gigi tengah gerak, and telan air liur pon sakit and rase sengal2 kalau lidah terkena gigi pon macam aduiiiii. and that's the only reason of this midnight post.

Oh please dont keep me staying all night T_T

Tapi bila orang tanya Worth it keee with all these pain? For me, it's worth the pain kekeke. Sebab gigi saya memang categorized as OKU in dentistry.

Before, After and tempat mengadu kesakitan a.k.a teman berbesi. kahkahkah

1 comment:

Iezza_fizah said...

Hi fadhe! Tak sangka pula search kat google keluar blog fadhe. Hihihi