Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First salary

"There is no way I can justify my salary level, but I am learning to live with it "

- Drew Carey

I came across this one article about how people spend their first salary? Banyak gila rupenye cara orang abeskan gaji first. Some people buy the most expensive thing they have been wishing for, some people spend most of it on food, pegi kedai mewah2 makan semua jenis makanan yang teringin, some people book flight ticket for a vacation, as a reward for themselves for getting the job, and not to be missed, some people just do not know where their money goes, but it was just GONE!

As for me, my rule of thumb is simple, Do not save any of it! kahkahkah or in other words, just spend all of your first salary and at the end of the month, the money you have should be the same amount with what you had before started working. Why? Because, in a few years from now, saving your first salary wouldnt make you any richer  though :P Yang penting ialah the consistency afterwards, itu yang counted hehe. But my rule of thumb might not applicable to some people yang first salary diorg byk sgt and is like my saving for the whole year kekekekee, so macam struggle jugak la nak spend all kan :P

When I got my first pay, Firstly, I would keep aside some amount for commitment (food, transport etc) + very little amount for emergency. And the balance is forrrrr happinessss! hehehe. yup,in this context money can really buy happiness ;)

My happiness is of course people I love! Family and favorite people, who were there for me through thick and thin. And one way to celebrate is makann! Treat people I love with foods! Well, food always bring us together kan. Then, I give some amount to my parents and siblings. Another rule I made is, biar sikit takpe asalkan semua dapat merasa. hehehe. Pastu spend some for the kiddos and adiks! Buy something and plan an entertainment day for them, bawak tengok movie, main bowling, spend time at arcade games etc. Joy of my salary!

I just dont feel good spending my first pay on me alone, i don't know why. Maybe for me, I still have countless paycheck to reward myself with whatever I want. InsyaAllah. So what's more important is to make people around me happy! and that way, I would be happy too! hehehe. And bulan bulan seterusnya baru la I allocate some for saving, donation, vacation, and blablabla. But that doesnt mean we only treat people on our first salary, kalau bile2 ade rezeki lebih, lagi often lagi bagus ;)

I believe there is no specific way on how you should spend your first salary. It totally depends on you. There is no right or wrong way, just spend wisely and be happy! After all, only you know what you want the most ;)

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