Sunday, December 16, 2012

Not a Monday Blues

I have this never ending love-hate relationship with my job. As much as I hate it, I still decided to stay. Anyway, something had happened last week that led me to do something bad. Rebel la kononnnn :P and I decided to take one day MC padahal tak sakit. It wasn't that bad but still...*sigh* (don't try this at home). Duduk rumah on weekdays, dengan sehat nya, bangun lambat, tak payah pikir kerja yang serabut, it was such a great escape. Tanpe rase bersalah.

And the next day was a normal working day, woke up early, waited for the train, grab roti for breakfast, until.... I sat on my chair, did the everyday routine, nak bukak online news but then.. something was missing, I just realized that the laptop was not there! macam I felt so satisfied dapat tunjuk rebel tak datang kerja semalam konon2. skalii hahhhh nak rebel sangat, balasan cash dapatttt. You know what's worse than Monday blues? I left my laptop at home! pfffttttt.

For those who still remember, I did this once while still working with my previous company. So it was like..a year ago? And I did it again last week. Rushed home to take my laptop, otw back sent sms to Along, Mama and roomate just to laugh at myself and to tell them how stupid I was. Rase nak ketuk kepala banyak2 kali. Pergi kerja tak bawak laptop, abes tu baik tak payah pergi kerjaaa. eeeeeeee. Thank you thank you, memang dah lama tak buat morning exercise pon kan.

On a side note, one-year-ago-me is not much different with the-current-me, despite the additional 1 to the age, and maybe a bit more mature, I still did the silly but not so funny thing like that. A year from now, if it happens again, memang sah laaa i am forever younggg (sedapkan hati). Oh work is great!

p/s: Second round BBW?-completed!

1 comment:

miera said...

aku ada 1 sem left b4 graduating and i'm having a nervous state. Which is not ready for working environment. Normal ke benda ni?